Saturday, May 8, 2010

Google logos

其實很久之前已留意到這個現象: google front page 的illustrations 是會變的
變得相當有時令. 會跟節日, 登月紀念日版面會變成月球表面
illustrations 出色, 見到靚的會download留念. 之後上網一找, 原本有同好者!! 大大個collection show 俾你睇!!! 機已屈

Google logo collection website: Google Logos Collection

Samuel Morse (the inventor of Morse Code)
Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet)
Michael Jackson
Martin Luther King
Michaelangelo (The David)
Rene Magritte (this picture once adopted by Canon for their ad)
Sir Conan Doyle (and Sherlock Holes)
Galileo (and telescope)
Diego Velazquez
Leonardo Da Vinci (and Mona Liza and others)
Claude Monet
Vincent Va Gogh

Edvard Munch
Joan Miro
Walter Gropius (the founder of Bauhaus)
Wallace and Gromit

Sesame street
Bert and Erni
Justice League
Fall of Berlin Wall anniversary
Earth Day 2007
Earth Day 2009
Earth Day 2010
Landing on the moon anniversary
Solar eclipse in India
Perseid Metaphor
Discovery of water on the moon
Day of the Death in Mexico
Crop circles
The Swan Lake

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