Monday, April 26, 2010

hidden messages in a MV

Oh sometimes there should be more articles like this

to help understand what she is (or they are) talking abt. There are so many fancy and packed and stuffed music videos that apparently the there are messages behind but i just. dont. quite. get. them.

i appreciate this music video; but just because the song and the production plus art direction are cool and that's all

em. hidden messages... super woman, coke light, Michael Jackson, Kill Bill...

and introducing Natali Germanotta, the younger sister of Stefani Germanotta (Gaga)

facebook 戰埸

讀大學的其中一個回憶, 是每逢做assignment各同學便會在facebook上變得極活躍, 出現所謂戰場, 大家以留comments形式, 鬥快(吹水)出comment
以下是做conveyancing mid-term時本人profile 上的戰場一景: (請按圖放大)


之後...move on 到第二戰場

Sunday, April 25, 2010


1. readjusting my bio-clock. No more 5am-1pm sleep; now it is 3am-10/11am
2. preparing for Exam
3. should start job hunting soon

(sometimes I really hate myself)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Light Painting

After V-SIS, it comes V

立即找了些和Corporate social responsibility (我的thesis 題目)完全無關的資料讀讀

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

People translate V's introduction to words that we can understand:

OMG look at me! Sweetheart, I may look like the evil guy. After totally pwning those dude earlier, I’m not just some weirdo wearin’ some mask. I am the face of freedom, Which is like, totally fucked up at the moment. However, I’m not only resembling some dead guy. I’m so excited! I plan to kill some evil people. So REALLY evil people. Some really evil POLITICAL people.

Therefore, I shall get revenge! Revenge = Vendetta. I’ll do it for everyone, not to brag about my awesomeness. It’s for the good people damnit!

Just so you know, I don’t always talk like this (I’m just trying to impress ya!) So in words which your ignorant brain can understand. I like you. We’re on a first name basis now. Call me V.

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
gunpowder, treason and plot,
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
'twas his intent
to blow up the King and the Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below,
Poor old England to overthrow:
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
Hip hip hoorah!


OK so these 4 years are gone. full stop.
我話過, 會紀錄這個星期發生的事... 因為生病走了星期一Equity final lecture, 有點遺憾
剛才, 一邊睇「搜下留情」一邊寫返好個week diary. 絞盡了剩下的腦汁
手字很潦草, 所以打了出來
將所有空間用盡了. 如果我將來出了名, 這本簿應該會很值錢哈哈哈

Let's see whether you can read my words. And try to find your name there!

就連簿的空間也不夠用, 所以要加紙

Monday, 19/4:
overslept that I woke up at 8:45 and felt dizzy therefore decided continue sleeping... woke up again and found out it was 1pm already.. called Xie Laosi and asked for sick leave. immediately started writing after brunch, and wrote till 5am (or 6am)? kept g chatting and facebk instant chatting with friends (there must be Phenix and Eugene!) possibly Jennsen too. But who else?

Tuesday, 20/4:
Natalie, 5:30-6:30 (this is my bojap student)
woke up at 1pm (or 12?) and immediately had lunch and rushed to Mongkok to give Nicole the receipts. Then rushed back to CUHK. went to CC lib to photocopy bojap materials for Natalie. the last equity tuto was...boring (OK i didnt prepare the tuto so Im partially responsible geh) did the bojap, headed back home. Did no writing for the entire day...just spent the entire night on reading the judgment of the PCCW case. felt panic when i realized that i wrote zero word... but was excited when I saw the value in the judgment. The judgment is valuable!

Wednesday, 21/4:
day off... stayed at home for the entire day on writing the very last part of the essay. had troubles when writing s168CO part... finally settled. It was a good decision that I decided to keep the overdue books...the Carver and Goo textbook was really useful. HaHaHa! finally finished the thesis draft at 05:27am... was such relieved and moved. posted an article on my blog to celebrate this. Stayed awake at 6am and was unable to sleep in the beginning... thought managed to sleep at 7.

Thursday, 22/4:
woke up at 1pm (this is my routine..), finished brunch and headed to school for the last conveyancing lecture. It was unexpectedly short... only half an hour (scream) and we felt pointless when the lecture ended. Myrette said "See you at conveyancing Round 2" .. Im not that confident (wish I could see her again) went back to Taipo with Alice, took K12, and bought a bottle of 意米雪梨水 tgt. It was such a happy time.. enjoyed it. Went home and finished the final refinement and polishing ... felt calm. Thou' ppl around were panic (sigh was I too calm that I couldnt sense danger?) finalize it and went to bed at 4am... with the hope that I could wake up at 10am

Friday, 23/4:
PTH Advance class <-- skipped
so this is the BIG DAY! not only the day to submit the thesis but also the very last day of our uni life... this is the end, esp when Im not sure whether I can come back. Was busy in the morning (woke up at 1045!) to reread the thesis + handle DOJ application + prepare doc + transcript.. headed to pi chiu to print out the paper and saw Melo and Eugene there (gene was sleeping...)
later Phenix came by and we left pi chiu together. Phenix and I submitted thesis at 2:31pm then had conv tuto (ai didnt prep), had a chat with Myrette, and Phenix accompanied w/ me to hand in my DOJ application
had snacks at 女工 with Phenix: tea leaf egg + fish ball + ice-cream! (I declared that it's th last day so it is my last chance to enjoy my uni tea time!) headed back to the Common Room, sat down, turned on computer, played facebook and chatted with friends. then ppl started entering the room and 好癲甘叫人幫佢地print essay! Hahaha I also helped out! even Phenix and I got nervous too! Brought Alice the veriguide script to 6/F and saw more than 10 ppl gathering around the counter of the general office and we got so excited and we yelled and cheered. Took picture on 6/F and in common room for a memory

原文照打, 就連大細階都沒改! Grammer 有問題, 但寫日記本來就是要自身感覺而不是文法呀...這就是我們的grade finale

Thursday, April 22, 2010


明天就是Last Day (係. 呢個係一個名) 點算? 感覺太不真實


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

finally it is done

finished the (horrible) first draft at 05:27, 22 April 2010, Thursday.
can hear the birds singing to each other.
expecting the sun will rise in half an hour.
the company is still the loyal Eason.
word count (with footnotes): 6229 (6905).
the longest paper i have written in my life. the last paper for my uni life.

let's have a nice sleep.
good night, have a good dream.

ba in the O

im talking about the signature of Barack Obama, which is unexpectedly cool
This is Barack Obama's signature on the health insurance reform bill at the White House, March 23, 2010. The President signed the bill with 22 different pens. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Path to the Completion of My Thesis

Seriously, it is quite interesting to see how it grow. This is my baby.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

歲月輕狂: 最後5天

剛在facebook status 上打了這麼一句:

"THIS IS THE LAST WEEK: have decided to mark every detail of the day in my Moleskine and share it with my friends. A little project to mark the ending of my 4-year uni life. Dear friends -- we are busy with our thesis -- but dont forget to enjoy the very last bit of our uni life."

多謝P J的提醒, 否則我可能在趕寫thesis 的壓力下忘了 -- 好好享受這5. 不是不知道還餘下5, 而是要好好享受5. 大學歲月裡的最後5.

我仿佛...還記得第一日上學的情景, 心裡在想什麼, 身上穿什麼衣服, 做了什麼事見了什麼人. 突然間last day 來了. 中間的日子 -- 4年統共兩千多天 -- 到哪去了?

要道別的不僅是大學歲月. 不是年少輕狂和無憂無慮. 那些日子早就隨我的中學時代完結了. 大學生活只是轉折期. 為那個日子做準備. 然後我發現那個日子就要來了. 人生的一個phrase 要完結, 另一個phrase 要開始了.

那是一個充滿uncertainty, possibility phrase. 一個我沒有應付過的phrase. 一個令新鮮人恐懼的phrase. 全憑個人的努力和彩數. 生死有命富貴由天的phrase.

會把這5日發生的事紀錄到moleskine, 然後upload 到這裡. 就當是一個小project. 讓我在將來也記得這幾天我是如何渡過


Friday, April 16, 2010

Lighten Your Burden

Bundle wrapping tips

To learn more about the Go-Light-Guru:


手痕上american apparel 個網, 之後, 手痕地, 使左650蚊

(我知道AA 在IFC 開了temporary store, 可是在這生死關頭, thesis 大晒)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sesame Street Celebrities

Jake Gyllenhaal tells you what separate means with an octopus on his head (I can hear Gardenia the Octalien screaming: I WANNA STAY ON HIS HEAD FOREVER!!! I DONT WANT TO SEPARATE!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Maggie Gyllenhaal and her surprises

Norah Jones sings Don't Know Y

Cameron Diaz talks trees

Jack Black defines octagon

Ben Stiller sings about friends and neighbours

Natalie Portman and Elmo present The Princess and Elephant

First Lady Michelle Obama plants the garden

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sexy: Love in this Club by Usher

To listen the song, click this link:

"I wanna make love in this club yae, in this club yae."

The continuation of Love in this Club: Moving Mountains.

迷人光影: I Love You, Porgy by Nina Simone

I had mentioned in my facebook but really wanna say this again: this is one of the best TV commercial ad I have even seen: laziness, light, jazz.

Had a random thought when I was doing my essay: hey this song is really good. I should have it in my iPod. What is the name of it? Successfully found out the answer after a few clicks:

I love you, Porgy. Performed by Nina Simone.

Another proof that good jazz are always given by the Black people. The best singers with the best voices.

Enjoy: footage of Nina Simone in the 60s

I love you Porgy, dont let them take me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Google Envelope

Genius idea! Instead of sending out your snail mail in a boring old white envelope, print out the Google Map onto the envelope showing where it’s coming from and going to. So maybe it’s just a concept from Rahul Mahtani & Yofred Moik from the Industrial Design program at Syracuse University, but it’s genius. Their concept is to actually let you send snail mail via an extra button from within the Gmail interface itself. This is the best idea since the Google results page business cards.
Astute users of Google Maps will note that there is one CRUCIAL flaw with this design. That is the “from” address always has to be located West of the “to” address. In other words, you can only send Google Maps Envelopes to someone who lives East of your address. But otherwise this is a pretty awesome idea. And yes I could totally see this listed as one of Google’s infamous April Fools pranks.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Obama tells you what to wear


我的結婚恐懼症都是父母害的. 衝突後再辣火頭到我妹那裡, 結果家嘈屋閉.

不知是爸媽怕我(不敢在我這邊辣火頭) 還是我的防火牆造得太好, 從來自己不會加入戰鬥, 只得隔岸觀火, 結果感受更深, 恐懼症由此而生. 夫妻搞成這樣還要屈埋同一間屋仲要訓埋同一張床...有種想死感覺.

我媽反擊: 「有人好幸福ga ma!」是的我知道. 見也見過了. 兩年前到美國親戚家小住一個月, 嘩他們sweet得令我以為在身在太空. 完全是兩個世界. 這麼sweet又有幾人呢, 而且當你日對夜對的是'這個樣子', 最給我100個'那個樣子'的sample都是沒用的吧.

偏在我dup thesis (detailed outline),連帶wifi 垂死,再加這樣一激,心情更壞. 好在受婚姻綁死的不是我啫..

Saturday, April 10, 2010


23/4, 交Thesis, 7000字
7000字是上面給的maximum word count, 計埋footnotes bibliography, 除笨有精應該6000多點應該可以搞掂
唯一感到好彩的是, thesis structure 一早和assessor 有共識地談好, 心中有個譜. 而寫proposal 的過程中也閱讀了不少資料...沒有太旁惶 (我知道'旁'字錯了, 正字是怎樣的?)
去年jurisprudence 5000字, 三日起貨
如果卓韻芝一日可以寫完5000字paper, 那我14日內寫6000+都...
先讀多點資料儲墨水, 再慢慢地寫, 我給自己...10日.