Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Handsome Men's Club

a treat from my friend and my friend's sister
靚仔真的是conv 灰暗生活中的曙光. hallelujah!

Handome Men's Club Members:
President: Jimmy Kimmel
Secretary: John Krasinski
Members: Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Ted Danson, Patrick Dempsey,Taye Diggs, Josh Hartnett, Ethan Hawke, Lenny Kravitz, Rob Lowe, Gilles Marini, Matthew McConaughey, Tony Romo, Sting, Keith Urban
Vow: "(looking reflection in the mirror) Wow, you are handsome. You are perfect. You are incredible. You are one good looking son of the bitch. Good job mom. Amazing. Holy shit."

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