Wednesday, September 29, 2010


我和我的老細(我跟住的solit)是一個有趣的錯配. 別人聽到我的英文名字, 會誤會我是男生; 聽到老細的中文名字, 會誤會是女生.

原本老細們要我對著客人做briefing, 他們叫這做Hermen show. 可是一再延期, 已至下星期一.

警局的普通話translator質素奇低. 給我們歡樂之餘也讓我想到警局做part-time.

Sunday, September 26, 2010





as a birthday gift for myself?


是啦, 壓力頗大, 現在正在跟一宗刑事案, 上班第2日同事就被老闆請走了. 壓力倍增.

日常生活就是上班, 工作, 加班, 下班, 回到家已是9點多快要10點. 是累人的, 也會覺得自己沒有life

可是學到很多東西, 我跟的solit 也很願意指點我. 大家相處得頗好. 這是我願意死頂的原因

昨天加班瘋狂的影印和做bundle. 老闆走過來對我說: "I am going to give you a test on Monday to see how well you understand this case." 天壓力又來了. 老闆人不錯, 但黑起面來是得人驚的. 我又忘了帶prosecution 的statement of claim!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

huge stress

...because of work.
(it's a long story and will explain later. but i still quite like my job)

Friday, September 17, 2010


Lady Gaga gives a public message to American senators speaking against the law "Dont Ask, Dont Tell", which forbids American soldiers disclosing their homo-sexual-orientation.

平日大癲大肺, 但該認真的時候還是有個譜的.
Social responsibility, 其實是每個公眾人物的責任, 這點她做得到

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

oh apple cider oh

discovery of the day. jang

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear Rafa,

Hey dear, sorry that I didnt manage to witness your match against Novak Djikovic last night.. the match was broadcasted at 4am in Hong Kong and it was too painful for me to stay awake so late.

(Actually... I did set the alarm clock and did sleep in the sofa in the hope that I would wake up on time. However I didnt sleep well and at last, at 3:38 am, I had to creep back to my bedroom praying you good luck)

Enhorabuena! I have been following you since your first Grand Slam (Yes, the 1st Roland Garros) and have witnessed how you rise (2008: 3rd Roland Garros, Wimby and Beijing Olympics) and fall (2009..dont wanna mention that anymore. Anyway.) It is such a great moment for all those who support you to learn that you have earned this championship. To us, it is not just about having a Career Grand Slam that brings your career to the next level (it is important, though.) It is about overcoming bad times and depressions in life and telling people, "Hey!! I'm still here!!!"

It is a perfect demonstration to tell people: you rise, you fall, and you stand up again.

Probably that's why people love you.


PS, that language website you mentioned previously... is not working.
PPS, update celebration pictures would you?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


We shall never forget.

it must be love

呢個笑容好好, 幾靚仔!
一見立即心曠神怡. 舒服晒
俾心機打Semi-final :)


(later update)
Now listening US Open Live Radio. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Set 1: 6-2 (1:09am)
嚇死我, 剛才差點被人破發球局
開始眼訓, 我會努力頂住的

Set 2: 6-3 (1:57am)
由飯桌轉移到沙發聽比賽. 現在人倒在上面
朋友轉來live stream link, 但load得好慢

Set 3: 6-4
最後還是忍不住. 聽到一半睡了.
btw, live stream的 quality很差. 很不順
今早起床立即查探結果. 得左!

Nadal vs Djokovic!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

生命之旅: Voyage de la Vie

if life is a journey
this is the journey of a boy
it's not about the destination
you will find what you are looking for when you arrive
what a beautiful journey of life

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Step Up 3D 舞出真我3D (2010)

我相信,每個人總會有其「聽到音樂, 想郁身郁勢」的時刻。

"Some people learn to dance, some people are born to"奈何不是每個人都是舞林高手,想郁身郁勢奈何自己的手筋腳筋早已變得彊硬無比,動作有如大象跳舞,要不就是怕動作過激扭斷自己的韌帶。實在太不有型。結果歌是聞了,舞卻還未起,頂多行街時聽到熟悉的跳舞音樂時走得輕快些,腦袋自動photoshop將原本舞者的頭換上自己的。起碼我是這樣。

Step Up 3D 3D熱潮食正了,而且食得名正言順。哪幾類電影最適合被拍成3D電影? 除了Avatar和 Lord of the Rings (遺憾的是沒有) 就是跳舞電影了。真人在你面前在強勁節拍下跳break dance,感覺就像參加跳舞party,心中又有一鼓想郁身郁勢的衝動-豈非快哉? Step Up 3D還要食正了個3字。真好命 (好命在-現在同期又有一套跳舞3D電影上畫中。Step Up 只早人家兩個星期多一點咋! 你話導演Jon Chu幾好命!)

由Step Up 1 看到Step Up 3,總覺得每套新作就如舊作的借屍還魂,每套新作都會有舊作的影子,就像舊作的延續,好像前度主角向你打招呼,告訴你他現在過得好不好。Step Up 1 男主角Tyler (Channing Tatum) 在第2集地下舞埸跟女主角Andie 鬥舞,交代Tyler 現在成名了,女朋友還是第1集那個,生活明顯過得不錯,跳舞之路修成正果。Step Up 2鬈毛瘦骨仙男配角Moose (Adam G. Sevani) 由第2集過渡到第3集,上集結局是Moose 和同學贏了街舞比賽The Streets後學校 Maryland's准他轉讀跳舞系; 今集開首交代Moose 贏了比賽後也得面對現實,放棄跳舞考考SAT 「做番啲正常野」入NYU 讀engineering; 第1集 Tyler 咬吔細妹 Camille (Alyson Stoner) 變成Moose 的best friend (?!) 還會有感情發展。最最最開心的,是第2集舊角 (Moose Maryland's隊友)一次過晒冷重新出現,像一次過重見好久不見的中學同學!

電影主題仍是青春勵志+跳舞+的舊公式,一開始便可以預知結局,可喜導演想要講的不只是青春勵志,還有世界大同的理想,為劇本添加深度。由Step Up 1 的 「窮小子憑跳舞改變人生」到Step Up 2 的「年輕人希望憑一己之長拒絕被建制(學校) 歸類,保持真我及獨特性」至 Step Up 3「跳舞重新定義人的身份 (dancing is your identity),從此不分國籍,膚色和語言」導演的message 慢慢由小我邁向大我。海盗隊 (The Pirates) 的背景設定也帶出這一點: 隊員來自世界各地,是一群只會跳舞,得不到別人容納的人。他們堅持跳舞,因為只在跳舞時才感到自己活著。他們來到The Pirates 基地 The Vault 得男主角收留,在The Vault 這一個大空間裡共同生活。生活/ 跳舞空間,器材,裝備全是共用,互相支持,互補不足,很共產,也很浪漫。

導演不停move on,指出: 除了跳舞外你還可以擁有其他,跳舞只是你生命中的一部份。人的生命充滿可能性,不要因為跳舞而放棄其他,要收開懷抱接受新事物。Step Up 3男主角 Luke 跳舞叻,拍電影做導演也有一手,為隊員拍攝練習及生活片段,剖白他們的心路歷程。電影末他放棄The Pirates,到加州修讀導演系。傳聞Jon Chu本身也是一名舞者,這安排頗有夫子自道的况味。

3次比舞出色,第2次比舞承接上集再次玩水,第3次則大玩LED燈 Laser效果。視覺效果再上一層樓,看得觀眾熱血沸驣。

Step Up 2 final dance: 雨中舞

Step Up 3D 第2次比舞:dance on the water floor

Step Up 3D final dance: 畫質麻麻,建議睇返trailer